
After successful installation, you can go ahead and configure affiliate settings.

You can find all settings in WordPress admin section - Affiliate plugin by eMagicOne

Important: In case you cannot find the Affiliate menu, please check Installation steps or contact us for assistance.

Let's review Affiliate plugin for WooCommerce one by one:


Here you can select products available for Affiliates and configure Captcha settings.

Selected products - Here you can select the products that you would like to apply affiliate discount and commission to. The commission and discount will be applied to the order if the product is included here.

Enable Captcha - Here you can enable Captcha to be used on Affiliate registration form.

Captcha API Key and Secret - Specify your captcha details.

Do not forget to hit save changes.


Here you create a campaign per your needs with different level of commission and affiliate discount.

Campaign Name - use the name that would be informative for you when applying Campaign to affiliates.

Description - Specify any campaign details.

Commission, % - specify the percentage of the commission that will be applied once the order is placed using Affiliate link or discount code.

Action - Create new, edit existing or delete campaign. You should have at least one campaign available in the list.


Here you can see the list of affiliates and their coupons, delete coupon or generate coupon codes and assign them automatically.

User coupons - List of active coupon codes per affiliate.

Coupon Code - Currently assigned coupon code that will be used to track sale.

Delete - This button will delete the coupon.

Add Coupon - Here you can manually add coupon to the affiliate.

Generate Coupon - Here you can massively generate coupon codes for all affiliates who does not have any coupons yet. In case all affiliates already have coupons assigned, no actions will be performed.

Affiliate Payouts

Here you can see the list of affiliates and affiliate payouts requested by active affiliates.

Important! Payouts should be processed manually. You should make the payment using PayPal or any other method, add Admin notes with transaction id, date and payout total, and after that use the button Paid to change the status of the payout request.

Hint: It is a good idea to pay starting from $100 payouts.


Here you can find the list of affiliates who have registered and applied for Affiliate program.

User - Here you can see the list of users who have filled in affiliate form. The module automatically approves all affiliates. In order to add manual review please contact us.

Assigned Campaign - here you can see the campaign that is currently assigned. You can adjust the campaign here if affiliate reach some mailstones (total, monthly, early, etc).

Once all settings are configured, you are welcome to proceed and register as affiliate and check Affiliate Dashboard.

The affiliate link will be as follows:

<your store link>/my-account/affiliate-signup/

In case you need any other features to be added to this plugin, contact us via and we'll gladly consider them in future versions of the plugin.