Affiliate Dashboard

After successful installation and configuration , you can go ahead and check how your affiliate link and coupon tracking works.

Let's review Affiliate Dashboard:

Affiliate Registration

Once all settings are configured, you are welcome to proceed and register as affiliate. You can use the affiliate link:

<your store link>/my-account/affiliate-signup/

Once you register as affiliate, you will be able to review your dashboard.

General Information

Here affiliate can see general information related to affiliate account, total earnings, paid and pending commission and can request payout.


Here affiliate can see the products list available for affiliate and current price. 

Get link button allows affiliate to copy affiliate link with affiliate tracking code. This code can be added to any link on your site to track link clicks by affiliate.

In case you have a large WooCommerce store, it is a good idea to export your products and provide links with tracking codes in bulk.

If you need assistance with export, contact us.


This tab allows affiliates to see their hits and orders real-time.

Also information about coupon usage is available.


Here Affiliate can see payout request and transactions that were processed manually. 

In case you need any other features to be added to this plugin, contact us via and we'll gladly consider them in future versions of the plugin.